Multiply Christian Network is an informal partnership
of churches, leaders and groups with a vision to see a spread
of a substantial Christianity throughout the world.
Who we are and what you can expect from us?
We bring together and connecting on a single platform ministers and churches of all sizes and styles from varied nations, cultures and realities. Multiply is an institution based in London, UK, born in 1992, out of the desire to see a spread of radical Christianity throughout the world.
Why Multiply when there are countless networks of ministers at local, regional and national levels, so determinant in their contexts?
The explanation is simple. Multiply works on a broader scale, and we do so through worldwide partnerships which makes us a solid network of men and women of God of numerous nations.
A key word for us is “relationship”, since one of Multiply’s challenge is to encourage everyone in our network to help expand one another’s circles of influence on behalf of God’s Kingdom, transcending cultural barriers, National and even continental borders.
How far you can go on With Multiply?
We provide this global platform for you. Now it depends on how you want to get involved and develop covenants relationships. You can Interact with ministers of various origins, or from the same vicinity or cultural background. You can access the Body of Christ in a global dimension, get to know other expressions of worshipping the Lord, and thus have new perspectives that can cause your world view to expand.
Because we are globally based, Multiply can help you to fulfil the Great Commission by opening doors for ministries and missions around the world for you as your ministry. As part of an intercontinental body of ministers and ministries, your own ministry can become internationally known.
There are many independent churches and ministries, and even house groups, seeking covering, training and support from the five-fold ministry. You’ll find at Multiply this kind of backup and supervision without losing your identity and emancipation. All ministries, churches and groups that join us remain responsible for themselves before God and man. Multiply offers them leadership, administrative, financial management skills, and safeguarding training to help them to function holistically and without reproach in their spiritual and earthly duties. Members have an understanding that we are all interdependent, as parts of the same body. We voluntarily submit to one another and pastor each other in a spirit of love and covenant. At the same time, we do not exercise any authority, responsibility or control over the leadership structure, assets or finances of any of our partners. In Multiply you can benefit from the vast abilities of our worldwide membership for your self-improvement and the triumph of your ministry in building up the body of Christ. However, become part of Multiply never means being automatically and compulsorily under our covering.
Many of our members and church groups has been able to network with other ministries and ended up highly benefited. These ministries have helped them financially, through training, praying, offering places for retreats, providing human and material resources for local churches in many nations. Multiply can be a link connecting you and your churches to such organizations globally that may help you with the vast and varied needs of your ministry.
Multiply periodically holds conferences on local, national and international platforms. In addition to benefiting from the excellent wealth of each ministry, workshops and trainings, attending these conferences introduces you to ministers from various nations. Depending on your skills, such as getting involved and making friends, you may end up being invited to visit other ministries and countries in other parts of the globe. Such experiences are frequent at our events and contribute to the increase of the Kingdom by expanding circles of influence, worldviews and connecting with ministries on a worldwide scale.
As stated here, Multiply can link you with altruistic ministries reputed not only for funding projects but also for providing humanitarian aid in times of crisis.
Furthermore, in emergency situations on a local scale, we can come together locally as a team to lead and mobilize our brothers and churches to support each other with specific collections, such as food, or whatever is urgently needed.
Although we may have much to give and to teach, there are still things we need to learn and receive. Even if the heroes of the Bible could come straight from their time to live with us today, they would have as much to teach as to learn; about our language, our habits, and other things concerning us, as means of communication and locomotion. Perhaps the key lesson to learn from them is that the greatest conquerors of the Bible were never solitary heroes, but their main conquests resulted always from solid covenants and relationships, both with God and with men and women of God. So, regardless of how complete we may be, we are even more complete together, as it is written: “Two are better off than one, because together they can work more effectively. If one of them falls down, the other can help him up. But if someone is alone and falls, it’s just too bad, because there is no one to help him” (Ecclesiastes 4:9,10 – GNB).
From the beginning the command is “grow and multiply”, if you are willing to serve the Kingdom of God together with us as a multiplier? Welcome on board.
International Multiply Offices
Multiply West Africa
Desmond Thomas
Ministry Of The Word
Sierra Leone
1st Naimbana Street
Tel: +232 78 436073
Mob: +232 30 605072
Facebook: facebook.com/desmondthomasministries
Twitter: @apostledesmond
Matthew Oluwasesin
Glad Tidings Evangelical Church
12 Balogun Ladega Street
PO Box 477
Akinogun Ipaja Lagos
Tel: +234 1 873 1058
Mob: +234 8023 160 134
Facebook: facebook.com/MultiplyNigeria
Multiply Latin America
Paulo Sergio
Tel: +55 65996 744 658
Facebook: facebook.com/prpaulosergio
Elias da Silva Junior
Rua Timboaçu 200, Rio de Janeiro
Tel: +5521979189897
Facebook: facebook.com/eliasjr4faces
Multiply South and Central Africa
Stephen Mwakibinga
All Nations Harvest Min. Int
Box 21107
Zambia 10101
Tel: +260 2 223 632
Mob: +260 966 909 019
Facebook: facebook.com/BishopStephen
Peter John Petersen
South Africa
Multiply East Africa
Gregory Wafula
Christ Evangelistic Church
PO Box 62264 – 00200
Tel: +00 254 722 982 102
Facebook: facebook.com/gregory.nalianya
Rukundo Barthelemy
New Humanity Mission
PO Box 1
Tel: +250 7887 78503
Mob: +250 788 503
Facebook: facebook.com/rukara.barthelemy.5